Research Institute at the Goetheanum
October 1st – 4th, 2020
To view the 2020 Conference recordings, REGISTER HERE. |
Almost anything is technically feasible. Spring 2020 showed what is also possible politically and economically when people are united by a common understanding. Within a few weeks, massive restrictions on individual comfort zones that governments had imposed to curb the global spread of a virus were followed – such as the extensive cessation of air traffic.

For half a century we have known the beneficial effects of such a measure on the climate and atmosphere. Nevertheless, shortly before the Corona crisis, business associations – politically successful – warned against “acting too hastily” with regard to the increase in the price of jet fuel. – Why can’t we implement what we have long since recognized as correct without a virus? How do we have to change so that knowledge and feasibility come together?
In this conference we invite you to look at the long, shared history of climate and earth and their organismic character. How did the present situation come about, what is the “factual material” and how can a person apply his knowledge of beneficial action in the individual areas of life? Expert presentations will introduce these topics for joint discussion in small groups or in plenary sessions. On the third day we will deal with the vision of the Fridays For Future youth, which calls for a sustainable approach to the environment. What are the reasons on a spiritual and social level that this “dream” shared by many cannot lead to action? What does a change in consciousness look like, like the cultural revolution that gives coherence and power to humanity, to shape their future and that of their environment out of the feeling of togetherness? The conference closes with an outlook on lived spiritual insight that can arise from self-knowledge and self-training.
The conference will be held in German. English translations will be available here. Each talk will be discussed in a monthly online cafe.
We look forward to your participation!
Matthias Rang, Johannes Wirz, Ruth Richter, Johannes Kühl, Susanna Kümmell, Meinhard Simon, & Mara Born for the conference committee and to others for the translations and website work for the English versions.